Why our employees thrive

We strive to be an attractive and inclusive place of work, with employees of all ages and in all stages of life. Common for our employees is a desire to contribute to development and great customer experiences.

Personal development

The personal development of employees is important to us. When we hire people, we are investing. It is an investment where we gain an employee that will contribute to our further development; reaching our goals, remaining committed, and ensuring continued growth in the society we are part of.  

As an employee, your return on this investment is the possibility to develop through courses, seminars, cooperation with knowledgeable and competent colleagues, and of course work assignements that challenge you. We believe that an employee that grows adds value - to all parties.

Rådgivere SMN ansatte

Everyday activity

Physical achievements have many similarities with accomplishments at work, and if you have an active lifestyle you may also perform better at work. Working out with colleagues adds an extra dimension as well – a sense of community.

This is why we offer many different types of exercise to employees. We have our own company sports teams in bowling, handball, football, golf, skiing and cycling. Additionally, our “Bedre Form” or “Better Shape” programme offers refunds on gym membership, discounts, employee activities and sponsored participation in a number of sporting events across the region.

Work / life balance

We favour a holistic approach when it comes to our employees. This means that we consider the lives they lead, not just at work, but 24 hours a day. Our employees are dedicated people with interests, families and friends filling their spare time.

As an employer we both wish and understand that there is more to life than work.  Thus, most employees have flexible working hours plud reduced hours during the summer, from 8am to 3.30pm between 15 May and 31 August.

Employee benefits

As well as practical benefits, such as good rates on insurance and favourable loan conditions, we have a focus on free time. Across the region, we have company cabins and flats that employees can rent; some in the mountains, others by the sea.

You can also join activities and teams, such as the company sports team, graphics club or wine club.

All employees are given the opportunity to join a savings- and loyalty scheme. Through this programme, employees are given the opportunity to buy equity certificates (MING). If you keep the certificates for two years, you will receive a free certificate for every second one you have purchased.

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