Our sustainability guidelines

SpareBank 1 SR-Bank is committed to its social responsibility and aims for an unambiguous profile in terms of sustainability. The company’s efforts related to sustainability are based e.g. on the internationally recognised principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and the OECD Guidelines for multinational corporations. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure:

  • That the bank is a positive contributor to responsible and sustainable business conduct.
  • That the bank minimises the risk of involvement in unacceptable business conduct.
  • A shared framework for implementing sustainability criteria.

The bank's work on sustainability encompasses a number of disciplines and shall – as far as possible – be an integral part of the bank's core processes. The choice of strategies and scope of work may vary between the bank’s different segments but will be specified for each segment. The following applies to the entire bank:


  • SR-Bank shall contribute to green competitiveness and sustainable value creation in collaboration with customers and relevant partners.
  • SR-Bank shall not be involved in severe environmental harm, including significant greenhouse gas emissions and irreversible damage to vulnerable areas, ecosystems or groups of persons.


  • SR-Bank aims to make a positive contribution to social development in the local communities where the bank is active.
  • SR-Bank shall not be involved in violations of human rights, workers’ rights and international law.
  • SR-Bank shall not be involved in the development, testing, production, storage or transportation of controversial weapons, or components exclusively intended for controversial weapons, including cluster munitions, anti-personnel mines, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and biological weapons.
  • SR-Bank shall not be involved in supplying weapons to countries sanctioned by the United Nations, the European Union or the United States.
  • SR-Bank shall not be involved in the production of tobacco.
  • SR-Bank shall not be involved in the production of pornographic material.

Corporate governance

  • SR-Bank shall encourage transparency and good governance models, including ownership structures, transactions and documentation of compliance.
  • SR-Bank shall not contribute to economic crime, including corruption and money laundering.
More guidelines
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