Our subsidiaries

EiendomsMegler 1 SR-Eiendom

EiendomsMegler 1 SR-Eiendom AS is the leading real estate agent in the group’s market area and the largest company in the nationwide EiendomsMegler 1 chain. Its business operations consist of brokering commercial property and selling holiday homes, new builds and used homes. 


SR-Boligkreditt AS is a wholly owned subsidiary and was established in the second quarter of 2015. The purpose of the company is to purchase home mortgages from SpareBank 1 SR-Bank and funds this by issuing covered bonds. SR-Boligkreditt AS enables SpareBank 1 SR-Bank to diversify and optimise its funding. Moody’s has given SR-Boligkreditt AS its best rating, Aaa. 

Finstart Nordic

The company was formally established on 1 January 2018 and is a startup factory for new ideas. Finstart Nordic is tasked with helping to develop an even better customer offering through the development of financial services, combined with a financial upside. Finstart Nordic acquired ownership interests in six companies in 2018. 

SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ForretningsPartner

ForretningsPartner was established in 2015 and is among the biggest providers of accounting services and financial advice.

ForretningsPartner offers a broad array of specialists within finance, banking and corporate services, all ready to help you develop your business further.

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