Bli kunde uten BankID - Become a customer

Follow the steps below to become a customer. 

Become a customer – for people without BankID

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Your tax identification number is the number used by the tax authorities of another country to personally identify you. You may find it in your passport, although some countries issue special cards stating people’s tax identification number.


  • Norway has signed international agreements involving the reciprocal exchange of tax information, FATCA and CRS. Because of these agreements the bank is obliged to report customers who are tax resident in countries other than Norway to the Norwegian Tax Administration. 

    Being liable for tax does not necessarily mean that you will pay tax on what you earn in Norway in your home country. The system exists because foreign authorities want to know the financial situation of their citizens in Norway. 

    Read more about tax reporting and what it means for you as a customer

  • If you have a D number, foreign residential address and/or US citizenship, Norwegian financial institutions are obliged to report your tax number. However, if you believe that you do not have any affiliation/tax liability to countries other than Norway, you must document this. The documentation must be translated into either Norwegian or English and be issued by the public authorities in the country in which you are resident.

    Send the confirmation to:
    SpareBank 1 Nordmøre
    Postboks 23
    6501 Kristiansund, Norway

  • You will receive an email from us confirming your application has been received. Check to see if this email has arrived at the email address you stated on the application. Also check your spam folder to make sure that you have not received it here instead. 

  • Once you have received an email confirming your application has been received you can rest assured your application will be processed. We will contact you if your application is missing information. If everything is in order, you will receive a text message when the agreement documents are on their way in the post. It can take up to 10 days before you hear from us.

  • When we ask you to apply again the message will explain why. It may be that the information in the Norwegian National Population Register needs updating and/or that information was missing from the application.

    If you have D number, it may be that you forgot to attach documentation such as your passport and/or residence card, complete employment contract/student identity card/other documentation of income, or that you did not provide your address abroad.

    Your form of identification must be valid. Emergency passports are not accepted.

  • It is important that your postal address registered in the Norwegian National Population Register is correct. This is the only postal address we can use to send you agreement documents, your bank card and other information. You can report a change of address or amend your postal address by contacting the Norwegian Tax Administration.

  • The reply envelope is sent via ordinary post and it can take up to 10 days before we receive it.

    When we receive the documents, we will check that everything is in order. We will contact you if anything is missing.

    If you have not confirmed your identity, you will receive a text message from us telling you how you can do this.

  • You will receive a single contract from us. This must be correctly filled in and signed.

  • The reply envelope is sent via ordinary post and it can take up to 10 days before we receive it. When we receive the documents, we will check that everything is in order. We will contact you if anything is missing or if we need more information from you. We will send you a text message when your account has been opened.

  • Once your account has been opened, you will receive your bank card bypost at your address registered in the Norwegian National Population Register. You will find your PIN code in the online bank and mobile bank under cards.

    1. Download the app ‘SpareBank 1 Engangskode’ for mobile phones to access the online bank and mobile bank. 
    2. Enter the codes you have received: 8-digit code (text message) and 4-digit code (email).
    3. Choose your own 4-digit PIN code.

    Watch the video and learn more about how to use the ‘Engangskode’ app

  • If you are missing some of the codes or having problems with the Engangskode app (one-time code app) please call us on +47 915 03900. 

  • You must have a Norwegian national identity number to get BankID from us. If you have a D number, you can use the Without BankID login option

{ "EMAIL_FIELD_ERROR": "Skriv inn en gyldig e-postadresse.", "CHECKBOX_ERROR": "", "CHECKBOX_GROUP_ERROR": "Velg minst et av alternativene", "DROPDOWN_ERROR": "Gjør et valg i nedtrekkslisten.", "DATE_TO_FROM_ERROR": "Ugyldig dato (eksempel på gyldig dato 31.12.2016).", "RADIO_ERROR": "Velg et alternativ.", "POSTAL_CODE_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig postnummer (4 siffer).", "TEXT_FIELD_ERROR": "Feltet må fylles ut.", "TEXT_FIELD_CONTENTS_ERROR": "Ugyldig verdi.", "ACCOUNT_FIELD_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig kontonummer (11 siffer).", "ORGANISATION_FIELD_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig organisasjonsnummer (9 siffer).", "SSN_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig fødselsnummer (11 siffer).", "PHONE_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig telefonnummer (8 siffer).", "MOBILE_PHONE_NO_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig norsk mobilnummer (8 siffer)", "SEARCH_ALLE": "Alle", "MORE_INFO": "Vis mer informasjon", "RESULT_TYPE_BANK": "Bankkontor", "RESULT_TYPE_ADVISOR": "Rådgiver", "VIEW_IN_MAP": "Vis i kart", "BEFORE_COUNT_TEXT": "Du har", "AFTER_COUNT_TEXT": "oppgave som venter på deg", "AFTER_COUNT_TEXT_PLURAL": "oppgaver som venter på deg", "MINE_OPPGAVER_LINK_TEXT": "Sjekk mine oppgaver", "MINE_OPPGAVER_CLOSE_TEXT": "Ikke nå", "MINE_OPPGAVER_COUNT_TEXT": "en", "FORM_ERROR_LABEL":"Feil i skjema ", "FORM_SUCCESS_LABEL":"Takk for din henvendelse", "TEXT_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR":"TEXT_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR", "TEXTAREA_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR":"Maks 2000 tegn", "NUMBER_ERROR": "Du kan kun skrive inn tall.", "SEC_BLOCKER_DROPDOWN_DEFAULT": "Velg land", "GLOBAL_SEARCH_NO_RESULT_TEXT": "Ingen treff på", "GLOBAL_SEARCH_FACET_LABEL": "Vis resultater fra", "MODAL_CLOSE": "Lukk", "SEND_TO_BANK_BEFORE_INFO_TEXT": "Vil du komme rett til", "SEND_TO_BANK_AFTER_INFO_TEXT": "neste gang?", "SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT": "Ja, husk banken min", "SEND_TO_BANK_CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Nei, ikke nå", "SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_DISCLAMER_TEXT": "For at du skal slippe å velge bank hver gang, bruker vi funksjonelle informasjonskapsler som lagrer hvordan du bruker nettsidene og hvilke innstillinger du har gjort." }