Corporate governance

Sound corporate governance in SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge comprises the values, targets and overall principles in accordance with which the bank is managed and controlled for the purpose of safeguarding the interests of the owners, depositors and other groups in the bank.

Corporate governance 

The bank shall apply corporate governance to ensure sound asset management, providing additional assurance that all agreed targets and strategies are met and realised. Sound corporate governance in SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge comprises the values, targets and overall principles in accordance with which the bank is managed and controlled for the purpose of safeguarding the interests of the owners, depositors and other groups in the bank. The bank’s corporate governance principles shall thus ensure sound asset management, providing additional assurance that all communicated targets and strategies are met and realised.The bank complies with the "Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance" insofar as it applies to savings banks with equity certificates. The Code of Practice can be found at

More information on Corporate Governance can be found in the annual report 

SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge shall have a remuneration scheme that satisfies internal requirements and is in compliance with section 15 of the Norwegian Financial Institutions Act relating to remuneration schemes in financial institutions. SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge has published information regarding the institution's remuneration scheme.

The Board of Directors' statement on the fixing of salaries and other remuneration of executive personnel can be found in the annual report


Additional information

Articles of association

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