
foto av Narvikfjellet

Quarterly report Q4 2024

  • Pre-tax profit: 4,512 MNOK (3,273)
  • ROE: 21.8% (16.4%)
  • CET1 ratio: 16.8% (17.1%)
  • C/I ratio: 30.2% (35.0%)
  • Losses: 110 MNOK (116)

Annual report 2023

  • Result for the year: NOK 2.548 million
  • Return on equity: 16.4 %
  • Cost-income ratio: 36.0 %
  • Earnings per equity certificate: NOK 11.36
  • Net income from financial assets: NOK 183 million
  • Common equity Tier 1 ratio: 17.1 %
  • Provision for dividends: NOK 7.00

Forward-looking bank collaboration in the Helgeland region

SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge and Helgeland Sparebank are to establish a strategic, future-oriented collaboration. SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge will become a long-term owner of Helgeland Sparebank with a stake of 19.99% of that bank’s equity certificates.

Helgeland Sparebank will acquire SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge’s banking business linked to the branches in Helgeland. Helgeland Sparebank will concurrently join the SpareBank 1 Alliance by becoming part of SamSpar.

A quick overview

Stock market information

Ticker: NONG

See updated price information at the Oslo Stock Exchange

Financial calendar

See financial calendar


Moody's Aa3, stable

Contact persons

Bengt Olsen
+47 975 89 560
Terje Karlstad
Head of Investor Relations
+47 411 22 220
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