Business concept, vision and values


It is incredibly important for us that we have a Bank that knows the business and that is close to us who run a company, and that understands the challenges our enterprise faces, says Thor Arve Øveraasen, General Manager at Øveraasen AS. From the left: Mille, Thor Christian and Thor Arve Øveraasen, with our Corporate Adviser Rune Kværndal.

Our business concept

We exist for people and companies to succeed. Together, we contribute to sustainable growth and development in Eastern Norway.

This means that:

  • We are a driving force behind attractive local communities – in the time honoured tradition of savings bank.
  • We are viewed as a proactive actor that offers relevantservices and a high level of expertise for the communitiesof which we are a part.
  • We have proud, capable employees who do their jobs inthe best interests of customers and society.
  • We are accessible in the everyday lives of customers andvia the channels customers prefer.
  • We make everyday finances simple for our customers.

Our vision

Creating together – long-term value forsociety and our customers, owners and employees.

The Bank’s vision makes the point that the Bank’s results are achieved in partnership with those around us.

Our values comprise proficiency, accessibility and dedication


  • We understand the expectations and needs of themarket, customers and owners.
  • We deliver solutions of the right quality at the right time.
  • We stay up-to-date, prepare and are at the cutting edgeof developments.


  • We create good customer experiences.
  • We are accessible and offer relevant solutions viathe customer’s preferred channel.
  • We communicate in plain, easy to understand,clear language.


  • We are visible and take the relevant measures for ourcustomers, colleagues and partners.
  • We generate engagement, motivation and good results.
  • We work together to achieve a good working environment, involve people and play on each other’s strengths for the benefit of the customers and the Group.

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