SpareBank 1 Østlandet Group Management


Klara Lise Aasen

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Klara Lise Aasen (born 1974) lives in Bærum and Hamar.

Klara Lise is a state-authorized public accountant from NHH in Bergen. She has many years of experience as an external auditor before she began in the finance industry in 2006 and has experience from Nordea, DNB, and Bank Norwegian, in leadership roles both in Norway and internationally. In the years before she started at SpareBank 1 Østlandet in April 2024, she has been a division director at DNB, CEO, and CFO at Bank Norwegian. She also has experience from board positions such as in Veidekke ASA.

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 8.000.
Includes holdings purchased through Kabara Invest.



Geir-Egil Bolstad

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Geir-Egil Bolstad (born 1967) lives in Løten.

Geir-Egil holds a degree in economics and business management (‘siviløkonom’) with a major in finance from BI Norwegian School of Management, and an MBA from NHH. He has worked in SpareBank 1 Oslo Akershus for 11 years, as a risk manager, CFO and deputy CEO. He also has previous experience from finance and risk management consulting.

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 44.529

Hans Olav Wedvik

Executive Vice President Corporate Division

Hans Olav Wedvik (born 1974) lives in Hamar.

Hans Olav holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from BI and supplementary qualifications within finance and risk management from NHH. He has previously worked in DnB Finans, DnB Asset Management ASA, and from 2006 to 2016 he was the CEO of SpareBank 1 Finans Østlandet AS. He has been part of the Group Management since 2016.

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 3.624




Kari Elise Gisnås

Executive Vice President Retail Division

Kari Elise Gisnås (born 1964) lives in Hamar.

Kari holds degrees in finance from the Norwegian College of Agriculture, marketing management from BI Norwegian School of Management and customer relationship management from NKI. She has managerial experience from the banking and finance and from the food industry. Kari also has extensive board experience. She has worked at Sparebanken Hedmark since 2001. 

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 3.815

Liv Krokan Murud

Executive Vice President HR and Legal

Liv Krokan Murud (born 1966) lives in Lillehammer.

Liv holds a Master of Management degree from BI Norwegian School of Management and also graduated as a computer engineer from Gjøvik College of Engineering. Liv has headed HR development in the Bank since 2014. She joined the Bank in 2008 as the chief adviser on HR development. Prior to this, her previous experience includes working in teaching and professional development at Lillehammer University College and as a lead, project manager or systems designer/programmer at various places including Norges Bank, Cinet and Norsk Tipping. Liv joined the Bank’s Group Management in 2021.

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 4.136

Bård Skjørtorp

Executive Vice President of Communication, Marketing, and Brand

Bård Skjørtorp (born 1979) resides in Oppsal, Oslo.

Bård holds a degree in economics from NHH in Bergen, with a specialization in strategy, organization, and management. He has many years of experience in various commercial leadership roles at Orkla, with a focus on communication, marketing, strategy, and innovation. Following this, Bård was the CEO of the branding agency Los & Co for several years. Most recently, he held the position of Head of Strategy at Æra Strategic Innovation, where he has been a consultant for management and owners in various companies.

Holding of equity certificates as of July 1, 2024: 0

Vidar Nordheim

Chief Risk Officer (CRO)

Vidar Nordheim (born 1962) lives in Eidsvoll.

Vidar holds a degree in economics and business management (‘siviløkonom’) from BI Norwegian School of Management. He gained experience at Gjensidige Forsikring and has held a number of positions in Sparebanken Hedmark since 1990.

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 9.820

Espen Mejlænder-Larsen

Executive Vice President Organisation Market and Capital Market Division

Espen Mejlænder-Larsen (born 1969) lives in Lier.

Espen holds a degree in economics and business management and a Master of Management in investment and financing from BI Norwegian School of Management. He has worked in several positions in Bank 1 Oslo Akershus since 1995, among other things as Head of Treasury and Capital Markets. He has also worked in SEB (2011-2014) as a fixed income broker, partly with responsibility for funding in Norwegian savings banks. 

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 7.068

Elin B. Ørbæk

Executive Vice President of Quality and Financial Crime.

Elin is a lawyer and has since 2012 been the legal director of the bank. Elin is also educated from the Police Academy and has a Master of Management from BI in HR, board work and combating economic crime. She has extensive experience from the police, has been a lawyer and partner in the law firm Campbell & Co and has worked in the banks` credit management department. She has been working in the bank since 2008 and became a part of the Group Management in 2019.

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 2.362

Stine Haugseth

Executive Vice President for Technology and Development

Stine Haugseth holds a degree in engineering from NTNU in Trondheim specializing in petroleum engineering. She completed her master's degree at the same institution in the Entrepreneurship School. Stine has experience in the consulting industry and possesses many years of leadership experience in innovation, product development, and business development at SpareBank 1 Forsikring/Fremtind Forsikring. Most recently, she held the position of Development Director at the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, where she was responsible for the organization's digital transformation. 

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 0

Johan Øverseth Røstøen

Executive Vice President of Operations and Integration

Johan Øverseth Røstøen (born 1975), resides in Toten. Johan holds a degree in economics from the University of Oslo. Røstøen has worked in various positions at Totens Sparebank since 2007, most recently as Chief Financial Officer, and has been part of the management team there for many years. Prior to this, Johan has a background in analytical work within Norwegian and international economics at Norges Bank.

Holding of equity certificates as of July 1, 2024: 4,238.

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