Investor Relations Policy

SpareBank 1 Østlandet emphasises that correct, relevant and timely information about the company’s development and results should create trust towards actual and potential investors. Such information provides the basis for good liquidity and efficient pricing of SpareBank 1 Østlandet’s equity certificates.

SpareBank 1 Østlandet complies with the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR, dated 1 March 2021. The Board of Directors in the bank has adopted the following IR-policy:

  • The bank puts considerable emphasis on correct, relevant and timely information about the bank’s development and results to build trust towards investors. 
  • Price-sensitive information from the bank must be provided simultaneously to all market participants.
  • The bank’s channels for distributing financial information are the investor relations website of the bank and company announcements through Oslo Børs’ Newsweb. The bank shall not use social media to convey financial information.
  • Financial reports and presentations as well as other price-sensistive information shall be published in both Norwegian and English, simultaneously. In case of unclarities, the Norwegian version should prevail.
  • Annual and quarterly financial reports are published according to the communicated financial calendar. The bank’s Board of Directors should normally approve financial reports after the close of exchange trading, with publication before the opening of exchange trading on the following trading day. 
  • Other information that is considered to be inside information shall be published without delay, independent of exchange trading hours, unless the criteria for delayed publication have been met.
  • Presentations given in relation to interim and annual financial reports shall be open for all to attend and shall be made available as webcasts at least twice per year. Presentation material is published on the bank’s investor relations website
    ahead of the presentations. The bank strives to hold investor meetings and conference calls in English in the days following the result presentations.
  • Other management presentations with financial and strategic content is made available on the bank’s investor relations website when the bank considers it relevant.
  • The bank should avoid meetings with investors and analysts after the end of a quarter until the publication of the quarterly results.
  • Generally, the bank shall not guide the market on future prospects or results. Still, the bank will publish selected medium and long-term financial targets, report developments according to these targets and update the targets when relevant.
  • Spokespersons towards investors and analysts are the bank’s CEO, CFO and defined IR-personell.
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