SpareBank 1 SMN is the region’s leading financial services group and a part of the SpareBank 1 Alliance. The head office is in Trondheim and the group with subsidiaries employ around 1,740 staff.
Growth in lending 0.9% (0.9%) and in deposits 2.1% (minus 3.9%)
Lending to the bank’s retail customers rose 1.5% in the quarter (0.8%), 0.2 percentage points higher growth than in the third quarter. Lending to the bank’s corporate clients decreased 0.4% (1.0% growth) which was 4.9 percentage points lower growth than in the third quarter
Deposits from retail customers rose 1.3% (1.1%), 2.3 percentage points higher growth than in the third quarter. Deposits from corporate clients rose 2.5% (reduction of 10%). This is 3.3 percentage points higher growth than in the third quarter
Net result of ownership interests was NOK 227m (90m)
Net result of financial instruments (incl. dividends) was NOK 56m (448m)
Losses on loans and guarantees: NOK 30m (20m)
Earnings per equity certificate (EC): NOK 4.67 (5.62).
SpareBank 1 SMN is a regional independent financial services group. Closeness and capability are the hallmarks of our relationship to the market. We are present across municipalities in Trøndelag, Møre og Romsdal, and Vestland.
A one-stop provider to households and firms in the fields of financing, savings and investment, insurance and payment services, we are the region's largest private contributor to business development and non-profit causes through our donation work.
We have several subsidiaries:
EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN
As a regional bank, sustainability and social responsibility is an important focus area for us - locally, nationally and globally.
We follow the UN principles for sustainability and our strategy for sustainability is built on our values, with responsible being the most important.
"CHECKBOX_GROUP_ERROR": "Choose one of the options",
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"AFTER_COUNT_TEXT": "oppgave som venter på deg",
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"MINE_OPPGAVER_LINK_TEXT": "Sjekk mine oppgaver",
"FORM_SUCCESS_LABEL":"Thank you for your inquiry
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"SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_DISCLAMER_TEXT": "For at du skal slippe å velge bank hver gang, bruker vi funksjonelle informasjonskapsler som lagrer hvordan du bruker nettsidene og hvilke innstillinger du har gjort."