The next application deadline will be in autumn 2025.
About the artist grant
Each grant consists of NOK 150,000 and is given to up to 30 professional creators of art in Northern Norway. The grant should help the artists immerse themselves in their work, working on a project described in their application, and through this develop their own artistic practice.
Application criteria
You must have an organization number
You must have a work and residential address in Northern Norway
You must have a specific project for which you wish to use the grant
The application must contain the following attachments:
CV showing education and artistic business activities
Documentation of your artistic work (video, images, showreel etc.). A link to your personal webpage is not sufficient alone, but can be included.
Who can apply?
Professional artists of all nationalities with residential addresses in Nordland, Troms, Finnmark, or Svalbard.
The applicant must have an organization number, and must work and have their company registered in Northern Norway.
The grant is aimed at independent and professional creators of all types of art, such as music, performing arts, film, photography, literature, visual arts, and handicrafts. Art critics may also apply for the grant.
The grant is given to the individual artist and cannot be applied for by groups or on behalf of another artist.
Q & A
A broadly composed jury with representatives from various art disciplines will, based on an overall professional judgement, assess the applications and award up to 30 grants.
The jury emphasizes:
Artistic level and activity
Willingness to explore own practice
How the grant may contribute to artistic development
Theme and content
Genre and breadth of expression
Distribution between established and new artists
Geographical diversity
The jury consists of:
Brynjar Rasmussen, artistic leader, Scene Nord, Vadsø
Therese Bakkevoll, writer, Tromsø
Eva Charlotte Nilsen, director and filmmaker, Vesterålen
Neal Cahoon, freelance curator and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lapland
Kristoffer Nohr Unstad, songwriter and musician. Works as a producer in DKS, Nordland. Bodø
Maria Landmark, choreographer, educator, and producer, Alta
Jury leader Vilde Fjeldheim Wold from Samfunnsløftet Spare Bank 1 Nord-Norge
The grant should be used for the idea and design of the project you are applying for, and it must be related to the artistic process. This also includes remuneration for the artist themselves, or for other artists participating in the project. You can also purchase equipment, as long as your application/budget explains why this equipment is essential for the project you will be working on.
The grant cannot be used for recording or releasing music or film, printing or distributing music or books, marketing, performances, exhibitions, or similar purposes.
No. If you are a working artist (with an organization number and residential address in Nordland, Troms, Finnmark, or Svalbard) you may apply.
Choose the art group that best matches your professional artistic activity. If there are several matches, choose the one where the main focus of your activity lies.
You may apply for and in theory receive artist grants several times. At the same time, the assessment of your application will include considerations of previous grants. It must be clearly stated in a new application how the current project differs from previous ones and why you are eligible for additional grants.
Yes, you may. It will be up to the jury to assess whether the application and the project are of such a nature that they are eligible for further support from Samfunnsløftet.
The application deadline is 16 November 2024, and answers will be sent out on 19 December 2024.
As the recipient, you are responsible for complying with your personal tax obligations. More information can be found at If you are unsure, you can clarify questions with the tax office, since they must assess several specific circumstances.
The project must be completed and reported within two years of grant approval.
All recipients must report on the grant received. A link to the report form will be in the e-mail you receive upon award, together with other information about documentation requirements and the like.
All applications must have attached:
CV showing education and artistic business activities.
Documentation of your artistic work (video, images, showreel etc.). A link to your personal webpage is not sufficient alone, but can be included.
Yes, you may use the grant to develop a new project or complete a project that has already been started.
Norwegian or English.
Yes, you can reapply. In 2023, there were many strong applicants who unfortunately didn’t quite make it, but feel free to apply again!
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