Finansiell informasjon
SR-Boligkreditt AS is a wholly owned special bank subsidiary of SpareBank 1 Sør-Norge, established under the Norwegian Covered Bonds Legislation.
SR-Boligkreditt AS was established on the 17th March 2015 with the sole purpose of issuing covered bonds backed by mortgages acquired from the owner.
30. June 2024
31. March 2024
31. December 2023
30. September 2023
30. June 2023
31. March 2023
31. December 2022
30. September 2022
30. June 2022
31. March 2022
31. December 2021
30. September 2021
30. June 2021
31. March 2021
31. December 2020
30. September 2020
30. June 2020
31. March 2020
31. Desember 2019
30. September 2019
30. June 2019
31. March 2019
31. December 2018
30. September 2018
30. June 2018
31. March 2018
31. December 2017
30. September 2017
30. June 2017
31. March 2017
31. December 2016
30. September 2016
30. June 2016
31. March 2016
31. December 2015
30. September 2015
30. June 2024
31. March 2024
31. December 2023
30. September 2023
30. June 2023
31. March 2023
31. December 2022
30. September 2022
30. June 2022
31. March 2022
31. December 2021
In March 2010 the United States passed on Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act(FATCA) to prevent US tax evasion. The purpose of FATCA is achieved byrequiring foreign financial institutions to report to the US tax authorities(IRS) regarding customer relationships where the customer directly orindirectly is a resident in the US.In April 2013 Norway signed an intergovernmental agreement with the US(IGA model I) in which Norwegian public authorities undertake an obligation toensure the collection of data from Norwegian financial institutions and thenreport these to the USA.
SR-Boligkreditt AS is in this regard allocated GIIN number (GlobalIdentification Number) J9EXAQ.00002.ME.578.
Legal Entity Identifier
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a global identification number. The number isused to identify legal entities participating in financial transactions, and inconnection with the financial markets reporting. The international Global LegalEntity Identifier System is established as a result of the G20's and FinancialStability Board's initiative. Global Legal Entity Identifier Norway (GLEINorway) is the Norwegian administrator of LEI.
SR-Boligkreditt AS is in this regard allocated LEI number 5493005EFLOPQ4K0ZF42
12 December 2022
15 August 2016
14 March 2016
10 September 2015
11 June 2015
11 June 2015
11 May 2015
SR-Boligkreditt is a member of the ECBC Covered Bond Label Initiative. The Covered Bond Label is a quality Label which responds to a market-wide request for improved standards and increased transparency in the covered bond market.
Further information:
Final terms
ISIN | Series | Ticker | Tranche | Tranche Volume |
Total volume |
Currency | Maturity date |
Extended final maturity date |
Interest type |
XS1344895450 | 4 | SRBANK 0,75 % 01/23 |
1 | 500,000,000 | 600,000,000 | EUR | 18.01.2023 | 18.01.2024 | Fixed |
XS1344895450 | 4 | SRBANK 0,75 % 01/23 | 2 | 100,000,000 | 600,000,000 | EUR | 18.01.2023 | 18.01.2024 | Fixed |
NO0010768625 | 6 | SRBANK 2,15 % 07/32 | 1 | 400,000,000 | 2,060,000,000 | NOK | 07.07.2032 | 07.07.2033 | Fixed |
NO0010768625 | 6 | SRBANK 2.15 07/32 | 2 | 300,000,000 | 2,060,000,000 | NOK | 07.07.2032 | 07.07.2033 | Fixed |
NO0010768625 | 6 | SRBANK 2.15 07/32 | 3 | 200,000,000 | 2,060,000,000 | NOK | 07.07.2032 | 07.07.2033 | Fixed |
NO0010768625 | 6 | SRBANK 2.15 07/32 | 4 | 110,000,000 | 2,060,000,000 | NOK | 07.07.2032 | 07.07.2033 | Fixed |
NO0010768625 | 6 | SRBANK 2.15 07/32 | 5 | 50,000,000 | 2,060,000,000 | NOK | 07.07.2032 | 07.07.2033 | Fixed |
NO0010768625 | 6 | SRBANK 2.15 07/32 | 6 | 500,000,000 | 2,060,000,000 | NOK | 07.07.2032 | 07.07.2033 | Fixed |
NO0010768625 | 6 | SRBANK 2.15 07/32 | 7 | 500,000,000 | 2,060,000,000 | NOK | 07.07.2032 | 07.07.2033 | Fixed |
XS1526432684 | 8 | SRBANK 1.14% 12/31 | 1 | 10,000,000 | 10,000,000 | EUR | 02.12.2031 | 02.12.2032 | Fixed |
XS1527389438 | 9 | SRBANK 1.52% 12/14 | 1 | 20,000,000 | 20,000,000 | EUR | 02.12.2041 | 02.12.2042 | Fixed |
XS1596016847 | 10 | SRBANK 2.5% 04/12/22 | 1 | 600,000,000 | 600,000,000 | USD | 12.04.2022 | 12.04.2023 | Fixed |
XS1692489583 | 11 | SRBANK 0.375% 10/03/24 | 1 | 500,000,000 | 500,000,000 | EUR | 03.10.2024 | 03.10.2025 | Fixed |
XS1821502231 | 12 | SRBANK 1.508% 06/04/38 | 1 | 50,000,000 | 50,000,000 | EUR | 04.06.2038 | 04.06.2039 | Fixed |
NO0010823255 | 13 | SRBOL04 | 1 | 5,000,000,000 | 5,000,000,000 | NOK | 29.05.2023 | 29.05.2024 | Floating |
XS1828102233 | 14 | SRBANK 1.581% 05/31/38 | 1 | 40,000,000 | 40,000,000 | EUR | 31.05.2038 | 31.05.2039 | Fixed |
XS183640178 | 15 | SRBANK 1.503% 07/02/38 | 1 | 25,000,000 | 25,000,000 | EUR | 02.07.2038 | 02.07.2039 | Fixed |
XS183710494 | 16 | SRBANK 1.528% 07/02/38 | 1 | 30,000,000 | 30,000,000 | EUR | 02.07.2038 | 02.07.2039 | Fixed |
XS184675412 | 17 | SRBANK 1.490% 07/02/38 | 1 | 25,000,000 | 25,000,000 | EUR | 02.07.2038 | 02.07.2039 | Fixed |
XS1885644374 | 18 | SRBANK 1.570% 10/04/38 | 1 | 25,000,000 | 25,000,000 | EUR | 04.10.2038 | 04.10.2039 | Fixed |
XS1894534343 | 19 | SRBANK 0,75% 10/17/25 | 1 | 750,000,000 | 750,000,000 |
EUR | 17.10.2025 | 17.10.2026 | Fixed |
NO0010841380 | 20 | SRBOL05 | 1 | 5,000,000,000 | 5,000,000,000 | NOK | 17.11.2022 | 17.11.2023 |
Floating |
XS2063288190 | 21 | SRBANK 0.01% 10/08/26 | 1 | 500,000,000 | 500,000,000 | EUR | 08.10.2026 | 08.10.2027 | Fixed |
XS2124046678 | 22 | SRBANK 0.01 02/25/30 | 1 | 500,000,000 | 500,000,000 | EUR | 25.02.2030 | 25.02.2031 | Fixed |
XS2163325801 | 23 | SRBANK Float 04/28/25 | 1 | 30,000,000 | 45,000,000 | EUR | 28.04.2025 | 28.04.2026 | Floating |
XS2163325801 | 23 | SRBANK Float 04/28/25 | 2 | 15,000,000 | 45,000,000 | EUR | 28.04.2025 | 28.04.2026 | Floating |
XS2194373077 | 24 | SRBANK 0.01 06/26/27 | 1 | 750,000,000 | 750,000,000 | EUR | 26.06.2027 | 26.06.2028 | Fixed |
NO0010891286 | 25 | SRBOL06 | 1 | 6,000,000,000 | 6,000,000,000 | NOK | 05.02.2025 | 05.02.2026 | Float |
XS2312584779 | 26 | SRBANK 0.01 03/10/31 | 1 | 1,000,000,000 | 1,000,000,000 | EUR | 10.03.2031 | 10.03.2032 | Fixed |
XS2384580218 | 27 | SRBANK 0.01 08/09/28 | 1 | 500,000,000 | 500,000,000 | EUR | 08.09.2028 | 08.09.2029 | Fixed |
XS2464091029 | 28 | SRBANK 1,00 % 04/29 |
1 | 750,000,000 | 750,000,000 | EUR | 01.04.2029 | 01.04.2030 | Fixed |
XS2524675050 | 29 | SRBANK 1,625 % 03/28 | 1 | 1,000,000,000 | 1,000,000,000 | EUR | 15.03.2028 | 15.03.2029 | Fixed |
XS2536836864 | 30 | SRBANK Float 09/27 | 1 | 20,000,000 | 20,000,000 | EUR | 23.09.2027 | 23.09.2028 | Floating |
NO0012771254 | 31 | SRBOL07 | 1 | 6,000,000,000 | 6,000,000,000 | NOK | 02.12.2027 | 02.12.2028 | Floating |
NO0013121194 | 32 | SRBOL08 | 1 | 6,000,000,000 | 6,000,000,000 | NOK | 15.02.2027 | 15.02.2028 | Floating |
XS2768185030 | 33 | SRBANK 3,125 02/19/32 | 1 | 500,000,000 | 500,000,000 | EUR | 19.02.2032 | 19.02.2033 | Fixed |
Dag A. Hjelle CEO | Carl Fredrik Hjelle | Bjørn Endre Oftedal | Lene Madtsen Vaaland |
+47 90 95 00 88 | +47 99 64 32 83 | +47 45 24 60 03 | +47 90 62 52 10 |